Being Well Retreats
with Eve Drew & Dr Jodie Fleming
Being Well Retreats 2024
Do you feel as though you're moving through life on autopilot with never enough time or energy for yourself?
....then join us to pause, take a breath and learn how to make more conscious choices, so you can regain control and connect with yourself and your purpose in life.
By immersing yourself in one of our international or local Being Well Retreats, you will be choosing to step away from the societal pressures that too often lure us onto the treadmill of busyness, taking us nowhere fast except the fast lane to stress and burnout.
Our retreats encompass valuable breath work, mindfulness meditation practices, and evidence-based workshops using a positive psychology approach all designed to reconnect you to your values, so that the intentional choices you'll make from day one will be in line with a meaningful life that energises you, every day.